Field Day 2004, JPL (W6VIO) and CIT (W6UE) Amateur Radio Clubs

JPL Amateur Radio Club web site is at

Cal Tech Amateur Radio Club site is at

Not much in the way of captions yet. Click the image to open a higher res version (typically around 300-400Kbytes, though, so don't do it on a 2400 bps modem link!)

Setting Up

Jay Holladay looks over the line of tents (L-R:Meal, Command, HF1 (10,20,80), HF2 (15,40))

Another view, HF1, HF2, and VHF/UHF (with just the vertical up by then)

Putting together an antenna

Tower trailer and antenna parts

Putting up the C3S 10,15,20 meter beam on the tower trailer

Hinge detail

Haul away on the winch to raise the tower, with some human counterweights to help.

Now the tower is vertical, and it's time to crank it up

The 15 meter beam on its short tower

Dinner time Friday

Getting ready to string up the 40m dipole in the trees

Many to supervise the attempts at shooting the fishing line over the trees


Saturday Morning before the start

Jim's Australian Swag

Getting the "Get On The Air" (GOTA) station on the air. The triband beam is assembled and attached to the section of tower behind Marty's RV.

Ready to lift?

And up it goes, Iwo Jima style...

Hammer in some stakes for a guy rope

Operation begins. Mike Tope takes on the world.

While we check the impedance of the 75/80m inverted V

Looks like lunchtime on Saturday

Operating through the night (that's the glow of the GOTA tent)

Dawn Sunday Morning

(panorama will go here)

yes, we rigged up solar power

Sunday Morning (you can't see it, but the "ether" is crackling still)


Somewhere out there is the San Fernando Valley

Mark's van carefuly placed to tune the 40 m dipole hung in the trees overhead.

Old buildings for the kids to climb on.

Tear down (by about 1230PM, we were done)

The back of my wife's Land Cruiser (without the portapotty attached)

Jim Lux, 1 July 2004