Samantha and Nicole's Garden
We planted our garden with Nanny's help on May 14th. We planted
the following crops:
- Carrots (2 kinds! - small and tall)
- Corn
- Sunflowers
- Beans
- Peas
- Cantaloupe
Little Plants
- Tomatoes
- Peppers (Red Bell, Chili, and Green)
- Cucumbers
- Sweet Basil
- Oregano
They started sprouting a week later. The corn sprouted first, then
the beans, then the sunflowers, and last but not least the carrots.
Cantaloupe hasn't sprouted yet, and only a few peas have sprouted
so far.
Here are some pictures of the garden:
The corn
The beans
The carrots
The sunflowers
revised 26 May 2000
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